A job posting is the equivalent of an unpublished advertisement. A successful posting looks to attract the right type of person and provide an accurate and honest view of the position. It should seek to peak someone’s interest in the role, while at the same time encouraging them to self-assess whether they have the required qualifications and are the right fit for the position.
You will need to determine the features of the job or your organization that will attract candidates and you may want to consider the following:
NOTE: While it is vital to offer an attractive picture of your workplace and the position, overselling the position can lead to problems including candidates not accepting an offer, or worse, leaving after only a few months in the position. Be sure to be realistic in your description.
There are three key sections to a job posting:
This is a key part of attracting the candidate to the position and is where the candidate gains his/her first understanding of your organization, the culture, and what it’s like to work there. It should include a brief description of the organization, an explanation about it being is a good place to work, a statement of what it’s like to work there (e.g., casual, flexible, team environment, etc.) and a reference to opportunities for development and career progression.
This is where a sense is given about what the role entails and information about the minimum qualifications for the position to allow readers to self-assess whether they meet the position requirements. This may minimize the number of unsuitable applications received. State: job title, position purpose, overview of responsibilities, team or independent work aspect, work location and travel requirements (if any), reporting arrangements, requirements including experience, qualifications, skills and personal attributes, salary and benefits associated with the position (often this is indefinite “salary is dependent on experience”).
This section advises candidates: how to get more information (typically your website), application method (e.g. email, mail or online application) and necessary contact details. Specify whether a successful candidate will need to meet any special requirements, for example, language testing or criminal records check. Insert the application deadline. You may wish to avoid excessive inquiries by stating that ‘while all applications are appreciated, only those candidates selected for interview will be contacted’.
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