An employment interview is an occasion in which both the candidate and the employer start to form impressions of each other. It is also a time where formalities are important and where regulations affect the employer’s speech. Besides conforming to legal limitations, asking the right interview questions will: Confirm the candidate’s education, training, and experience listed in the resume. Provide information about the candidate’s past performance and accomplishments Indicate the candidate’s compatibility with the culture of your organization (for example, work pace, work style) Offer insights into the reasons behind the candidate’s desire to change…Read More
A job posting is the equivalent of an unpublished advertisement. A successful posting looks to attract the right type of person and provide an accurate and honest view of the position. It should seek to peak someone’s interest in the role, while at the same time encouraging them to self-assess whether they have the required qualifications and are the right fit for the position. Attracting Candidates You will need to determine the features of the job or your organization that will attract candidates and you may want to consider the following: People are most often…Read More
Employee Name: Start Date: Position: Supervisor: Location: Section I: Role of Human Resources Representative Personnel File Contents — Collect and check off completed items. Indicate N/A if not required for the position. [ ] Resume [ ] Employment Application [ ] Educational Transcripts [ ] Authorization for Background Test and Drug Screen [ ] Offer Approval Memo [ ] Employment Agreement [ ] Federal Tax Withholding Form [ ] State Tax Withholding Form [ ] Access to Employee Handbook – electronic or hard copy if no computer access [ ] Employee Handbook Acknowledgment Form [ ] Personal Information Form [ ] Direct Deposit Form [ ] Property Receipt …Read More
The New York City Fair Chance Act (FCA). The FCA imposes obligations on covered employers including a “ban-the-box” prohibition (meaning an employment application cannot ask if an applicant has a criminal record). In short, the FCA makes it illegal for most employers in New York City to ask about the criminal record of job applicants before making a job offer. This means ads, applications, and interview questions cannot include inquiries into an applicant’s criminal record. This allows the applicant to be judged on his or her qualifications. Ex-offenders get protections throughout the hiring process (and…Read More
Commentary: The act of hiring an employee is a part of an overall process designed to find the right person for a specific job. There are many reasons for a lack of success in the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring process. Some of these reasons include incomplete or inaccurate job description and employment requisition, sourcing for candidates are not carefully identified (causing the number and quality of resumes to be unacceptable), the company does not move through the process in a timely manner and the lack of a systematic hiring process. The entire hiring process should…Read More