Help Them Understand How To Supervise! Being a highly successful supervisor today requires a fundamentally different skill set than it did even 5 years ago. Your managers are under new pressures to do more with less and derive more value from each employee. It can be hard for them to think about being a progressive and inspirational leader when they are just trying to meet daily job demands. Supervisors generally arenโt born into the role. They are most often promoted through the ranks and suddenly, sometimes overnight, find themselves leading others, even if they havenโt…Read More
Performance appraisal is the most important aspect of the human resources function. It is a critical management process because it enables several goals to be achieved: Measuring past performance and recognizing achievement Providing a basis for rewarding employees commensurate with their achievement Developing employees and enhancing their success by building on strengths and targeting weaknesses or improvement Ensuring that management priorities and expectations are achieved Provide support for decisions about each employeeโs future Creating a documentary history of performance deficiencies in case dismissal is becomes necessary Note: Performance appraisal needs to be an ongoing process…Read More
Once the offer has been accepted, maintain contact regularly with the future new employee before the first day of employment. Ensure the new employee receives all orientation paperwork well in advance of the first day of work. Provide details regarding the schedule of activities for the first day, the time and place to report. Provide a friendly, welcoming environment for the orientation and be well prepared. In addition to completing paperwork, explain the vision, mission, values, and culture of the organization. Introduce the new employee to other employees and provide a tour of the facility.…Read More
Failing to create standards. If the company fails to give staff clear expectations so they know exactly what they are supposed to do and how they can self-measure success, it is prescription for disappointment by all. The end result is management then wonders why they are failing. Micro-managing, excessively. If management creates policies for every contingency and allows no real supervisory discretion in addressing individual employee needs, robot-like adherence to policy will cause supervisors to herald form over substance. Having too few policies. In this situation, employees feel as if they reside in an unfair…Read More